-3- #452, December 27, 1941 from Bern. Mister Roosevelt now claimed Tripartite Pact had been signed purpose conquering world, this could only be considered statement of psychopath suffering from persecution mania; actually such statement but thinly veils intentions of a megalomaniac who himself wishes to conquer world and to camouflage his intntions, accuses Tripartite partners of what he himself is striving to attain. Ribbentrop statement commenting on Washington conference ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG states conference between two statement is proof of catastrophic position in which two powers find themselves result destruction American Pacific fleet and threatened loss Singapore. In Berlin little interest shown in outcome of conference but symptomatic significance under present military developments strongly emphasized. Certain controversies between British and American press have already led to differences regarding tactical and strategic leadership joint campaign as remarkably revealed Washington conference. British radio com- ments are considered remarkably interesting giving unmistakable proof that American fleet which according to declaration Secretary Knox was seeking Japanese fleet has not hurried to rescue Philippines or Singa- pore. DD HUDDLE |