DEPARTMENT OF STATE PARAPHRASE Telegram no. 1537 Dated: 10/7/41 2p.m. From: Cairo Rec'd: 10/8/41 3:28 a.m. FROM ROBINSON FOR MARITIME COMMISSION FROM PIBURN FOR GENERAL BURNS. One. Working Attaka and Suez for 9 vessels with 40,000 tons cargo during September gives mean daily average (a) of 285 tons on actual time on port, (b) 294 tons on time occupied from commencement to completion of discharge. Two. Owing to air raids, we lost 9 ship days during the month. Three. Slight improvement in Attaka discharge has occurred recently, due in part to the fact that there is now in use a section of the new lighter wharf and improvement in the handling of cased D motor transport by Port Said labor. Four. The improvement in discharge alongside the north quay was being maintained and daily discharge from the WEST KYSKA and ARKANSAN averaged respectively, 426 tons and 439 tons. Five. Attaks assembly plant has been able to clear up everything in arrears because of the recent falling off in the number of case D motor transport and at present the plant is |