THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October 5, 1942 To: The Secretary of the Treasury The Secretary of War The Secretary of the Navy Please appoint one man to represent the Treasury, one man from G-2 to represent the Army, and one man from ONI to represent the Navy, to serve as a committee for the next 30 days to inspect for the President, as Commander-in-Chief, all outgoing and incoming diplomatic pouches of the Governments of Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal, and France. Also to inspect during th enext 30 days all outgoing pouches from our State Department to the above-mentioned countries; also all outgoing and incoming diplomatic pouches addressed to those countries to which Ambassador Biddle at London is accredited. There shall be no subordinate to represent any member of this committee of three, and no person shall be informed of any suspicious contents of said pouches except the President of the United States. All reports will be made to the Commander-in-Chief and only to the Commander-in-Chief. F.D.R. |