O.p-12B-2-McC 10-11-40 7. Take measures for defense of Pacific Islands as follows: - a. Reenforce MIDWAY with remainder of Defense Battalion, 2 Patrons, 4 OSS, 1 ASR. b. Operate 2 SS for defense of WAKE. c. Operate 2 SS and 1 Patron with tender from JOHNSTON ISLAND, provide small Marine listening post. d. Operate 6 VP, 1 AVP, and 2 SS for defense of CANTON ISLAND. e. Dispatch 2 OSS for defense of SAMOA. f. Dispatch 2 Patrons of Patwing One to HAWAII (24 Planes) after relief by Patwing FIVE. 8. Dispatch remainder of Subrons FOUR and SIX (ApproxLmately 14 SS) to CAROLINES and MARSHALLS for preliminary reconnaissance operations. 9. Upon completion of mobilization preparations, assemble fleet in HAWAII prepared to initiate further measures as the situation requires. l0. Assist in defense of U.S. Shipping by the detail of certain Fleet Forces to Coastal Frontier forces. On the Pacific this will be comprise: - 4 DM to HAWAII 3 0CL to Pacific Coastal Frontier. - 3 - |