SECRET 6 November 1940 MEMORANDUM FOR ADMIRAL STARK Complying with your request for comments on your secret memorandum for the Secretary dated November 4, 1940, the following comments are submitted but are not offered in any sense as a criticism. I think your mecret memorandum is excellent. I agree with it and with the general conclusions. Under the national major objectives which you mention I note that no reference is made either to Hitler or to Nazi ambitions. On page 5 of the secret memorandum emphasis is placed on the survival of the British Isles. For us is not the survival of the British Fleet a more vital factor? I think the elements vital to Britain which must be held are in order of importance:- 1. British Fleet 2. British Isles 3. Suez and Egypt 4. Gibraltar 5. Far Eastern Possessions I do not think that Hongkong, India and British Possessions in the Far East in any way compare in importance to holding these vital areas in Europe. The immediate menace to Britain at the moment appears to be in the Eastern Mediterranean. The outcome here depends in no small degree on the attitude and the possible action of Russia. Perhaps more consideration should be given to the possible attitude of Russia particularly in the Eastern Mediterranean. |