- 2- March 9, 1949 Those receiving six votes: - Leafy Carpender Ramsell Willson W.W. Smith Brainard 01endorf McCain Griffin Father Those receiving five votes: - Wilcox Kirk Dramael Ainsworth Theobald Bieri Jacobs Badger Monroe Callaghan Lee Here we have, then, 38 officers by process of selection by probably as high class a selection board as one could get together, all available for sea command. Incidentally, the nine officers who comprised this unofficial selection board were as follows: Richardson Yarnell Ring Reeves Jacobs Bloch Stark Edwards Kalbfus All nine of these men have had unexcelled opportunity to know the rsnking men of the Navy and are themselves men of sound judgment and utter devotion to the service. In addition to these 38, I have available the names of others who received less than five votes as additional background material for future guidance. It is interesting to note that the average age of the 38 officers in the above lists is 56.2 years. I also asked Admiral Jacobs to prepare for me, and he has done so, a list of the best 100 men in his Judgment in the Navy below the grade of rear admiral, and I have this list available for reference. Frank Knox |