Text Version

               TELEGRAM SENT
A portion of this telegram 
must be closely paraphrased 
before being communicated 
to anyone. (C & Special Gray).
The Hague, ( Netherlands ).
November 11, 1939
9 p. m.
The President desires you to convey, either directly or through such discreet channels as you 
deem best, the following personal (underline personal) and unofficial message to the Queen. He 
appreciates that under existing conditions it might prove embarrassing to Her Majesty if
this message were to become known; it is therefore being treated here as highly confidential. 
Should developing circumstances seem to warrant publicity, this will be a matter for later 
consideration and discussion in order to limit the number of persons who have knowledge
of the message I suggest that Her Majesty may want to send her reply through you.
(BEGIN SPECIAL GRAY) QUOTE To Her Majesty Queen Wilhelmina.
           I am thinking much of you and House of Orange in these critical days, and it occurs to me 
that in the event
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