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ve Serail 0149212
Memoradum for the President
     Admiral Glassford and Admiral Purnell are noe in Batavia. These officiers are fully
informed as to Admiral Hart's plans, and it is certain that they have conveyed pertinent
information to the Neterlands East Indies authorities, and will make joint plans with them.
Admiral Glassford commands the U.S. Navy surface vessels of the Alantic Fleet, ansdone patrol
bomber squadron. His force now comprises 2 cruisers, 8 destroyers, 3 gunboats, several
minesweepers , and 5 aircraft, destroyer, and submarine tenders. His surface vessels lack fighter
sircraft defense, and can not operate in areas where dominated by enemey air strength. They are
now in the Neterlands East Indies, operating against the probability of penetration of this area by
Japanese naval forces.
     Admiral Hart is in Manila, using his submarines in support of the defense of the Phillipines,
and offensively against enemy naval forces. How much longer the submarine base must be shifted
from Manila, Admiral Hart has been advised to operate from the Netherlands East Indies in
support of the defense of Luzon, in support of the defense of Netherlands Eat Indies, and in
attacks on Japanese vessels attempting to obtain oil from Borneo. His eventual retitrment base
would be Port Darwin. He has been directed to convey this information to the British and the
Dutch. The Army and Navy are making every effort to provide logistic support for the Phillipines.
Troops, aircraft, and material noe in route will be used for this purpose. But if the Commanding
General, Army Forces in the Far East, finds his sea and air communications cut, these
reinforcements will be available for the defense of the Neterlands East Indies, Australia, and New
     The principal protection of shipping across the Pacific to the Netherlands East Indies is by
the choice of routes that at the time appear safest. There are not men-of war to escort al vessels
on the routes across the Pacific , though troop convoys must be escorted. An alternative is the
route around the Cape of Good Hope.
     The neterlands Naval Attache in Washington has been informed that the United States
naval authorities would be glad to furnish "routings" to Dutch ssels departing U.S. ports. The
request routings from the British Naval Control Service Organization in other than United States
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