2. Premier Mikolajczyk has stated that he cannot act contrary to the will of the Polish people by making concessions irreconcilable with Poland's sovereign rights. He claims this would be repudiated by the Polish people and therefore become valueless to the United Nations, including the Soviets. 3. The Poles feel that mediation exclusively conducted by Prime Minister Churchill without the participation of the United States places the Polish Government in a somewhat different situation with the Polish people. 4. Recently the Authorities of the Polish underground, who had been informed of the pending visit to President Roosevlet of Premier Mikolajczyk, have asked the latter for explanations as to why he had postponed his visit, and expressed anxiety that the Polish Government was not maintaining the close contacts with the United States Government previously maintained by the late Premier General Sikorski. 5. We have been informed from reliable sources that Ambassador Ciechanowski, who spent three weeks in |