the street cars are running. For the most part, the population of Berlin is living underground. They have evacuated all the small children. The older children and the women are working on a 16 hour a day schedule. All food is stringently rationed, however, on a generous basis sufficeint for the basic requirements. Positively no item can be had which is not rationed. This applies equally to clothing. The essential business of Berlin proceeds to functiondoggedly, however, some of the Ministries, the Luftfahr included, have moved to Vienna. Tremendous slave labor forces, for the most part made up of Russians and Poles, are in evidence everywhere doing safety demolition and cleanup.These men are forced to stay out in the open during raids since there are not enough shelters available for everyone in Berlin. During a single raid in March, it is reported that 40,000 of these Poles and russians were killed. Our informant reports that a relatively accurate and gloomy picture is being given to the general populace about all the Theaters of War including the Eastern Front defeats. This results in a fabulous fear of the Russians |