-4- at the present time, because of the prevailing condi- tions, can know exactly the feelings and sentiments of the Yugoslav people, Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The most important task at present is to form a strong gov- ernment with the full support of the Allies in order to unite all resistance forces in Serbia, Croatia and Slo- venia, with the aim of rendering all possible assis- tance to the Allies in defeating the enemy. Furthermore, the task of such a government would be to insure to the people of Yugoslavia, after it is liberated, the oppor- tunity to express freely their will as to the form of government they prefer and not to afford politicians and political speculators' an opportunity to perpetuate their power and selfish interests in post-war Yugoslavia. "The Shepherd is of the opinion that a feder~ ated democratic Yugoslavia is to the interests of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and, furthermore, he believes that Bulgaria could in the future join Yugoslavia in a federation, provided the people of Bulgaria wished it to be so. "The Shepherd reiterated that he is only too |