-2- received a telephone call from Churchill's secre- tary, requesting him to have dinner with Churchill at the latter's country place. An appointment was made to take him by car on Sunday, 21 May, at eleven A.M. The Ban was accompanied by Mr. Ste- venson, British Minister to Yugoslavia. "They arrived there about noon. The follow- 'ing guests were present: The Prime Minister of Holland The Prime Minister of Australia British Major General Hailes Two distinguished British Lords, whose names the Ban could not remember. Captain Thomsen of the Royal Navy Mr. Stevenson, British Minister to Yugoslavia. "At one o'clock,Mr. Churchill joined them and during the dinner he had the Prime Minister of Hol- land seated at his right and the Ban at his left. Addressing his guests and pointing to the Ban, Churchill said: 'I want you to meet the next Prime Minister of Yugoslavia.": Noticing the expression of surprise on the Ban's face, Mr. Churchill said to him: Why, don't you know that you are going to DECLASSIFIED |