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                  UNITED STATES OF AMERICA                  
                 Personal and Confidential                  
Madrid, October 6, 1942.  
                    My dear Mr. Taylor:                     
Mrs. Hayes and I are immensely appreciative of the visit you made us in   
Madrid. It cheered and informed us. We hope very much that your visits in   
Lisbon, London and Dublin were pleasant and satisfying, and that you have   
            returned to America safe and sound.             
 Enclosed is a copy of the confidential report which I have sent to   
Mr. Sumner Welles concerning your doings in Madrid. I trust you will find   
my account of your interviews with Generals Jordana and Franco not too   
   unfair to the participants or too free with the facts.   
 With the highest regards and personal best wishes, in which Mrs.   
                    Hayes shares, I am,                     
                      Yours sincerely,                      
               (Signed) CARLTON J. H. HAYES.                
               1/  Copy of report, as stated.               
                       The Honorable                        
                       Myron Taylor,                        
                    Department of State,                    
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