- 11 - In many European countries there is no security of life and property for Jews, and it is undoubtedly the fact that there are many hundreds of thousands of Jews who, if they were free agents, would flee tomorrow from the appalling persecution, torture and humiliation to which they are subject in countries allied with or occupied by Germany. The forces which create refugees in the mass are intensively active over the greater part of Europe, and their inevitable tendency is to encourage an outrush of Jews if and when this becomes possible. If a solution is to be found of the refugee problem, it is absolutely essential that not only should a stampede of this character e policy of blackmail by which Germany was able to give wide If, on the other hand, Jews are to continue to live in the European countries of their nationality, and if other States are to be protected against the economic and political disturbance which large incursions would involve, then there must be adequate guarantees for the safety and protection of life and property, for the restitution of their rights as citizens, and for the peaceful enjoyment of those rights. Discriminatory legislation must be annulled, and an end put to administrative measures of discrimination. These guarantees must be part of the peace treaty or equivalent settlement, and they must be backed by the necessary sanctions. Without this, not only will the immediate post-war situation be incapable of control, but the conditions created by Germany from 1933 until the present time will be perpetuated there and in other countries, and the Jewish refugee problem will become insoluble and permanent. fair play can be revived. In some countries, France for inst rights, |