The publication of a book entitled "The Truth about Religion in Russia", is due also to propaganda purposes. This book, very widely diffused abroad in its various translations, and almost impossible to find in the USSR, is reticent, inexact and sometimes contains falsehoods The following information given by the "United Nations News", June 28, is a proof of the kind of propaganda which is being carried on in this sense. According to the wekly review, "Colliers", Russia has at the moment more than four millions of religious who care regularly for about 5,000 Orthadox Churches, 1,800 Roman Catholic Churches, 1,300 Mahomedan Mosques, 1,100 Protestant Churches, and 1000 Synagogues. For what regards he Roman Catholic Church this information is completely fals Even the world press brought out the propaganda side of the reappearance of the Patricarchate of Mosca (September 1943). 3. The Soviet Communism- even after the suppresion of the Comintern (May 1943)- contines to be the progagating center of a most active Communist Propaganda throughout the world. All leads one to believe that this propaganda aims at diffusing those principles and doctrines, which remain today as the foundation of Soviet Communism, since they have never been renounced. These principles are essentially materialistic and the doctrines based on them destroy the personality of the individual to the advantage of the State, proclaim class-war, tend to the dicatorship of the proletariate and antagonize Religion. This propaganda is carried on especially in countries through which the war has passed or is passing, and avails itself of the very miserable conditions of these peoples. It is well known how it is also being carried on it Italy, which unfortunately presents, because of the actual economical political and social situation, a very favorable |