He adds that in the bombardment of Rome on March 18th, the homes of numerous civilians were hit, while the large general hospital of Rome, known as the "Policlinico", as well as other smaller hospitals, was seriously damaged. Because of this fact, many persons were killed outright, and the necessary work of providing medical assistance for the wounded and the dying was rendered particularly difficult. The Cardianl Secretary avails himself of this present communication to remark the fact that Allied aircraft still fly over the territory of the Vatican City State. His Eminence wishes to bring this to the attention of the United States Government, which has given repeated assurances that the neutrality of the Vatican would be duly respected, particularly in view of the danger of crashing planes, or of the accidential or forced release of bombs in an emergency. entiments of high personal regard and wih every best wish I Sincerely yours, Archbishop of Laodicea Apostolic Delegate |