Secret P-230 June 10, 1943 DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division of Political Studies TERRITORIAL AND BOUNDARY PROBLEMS IN THE FAR EAST ap indicates the following problem areas of Far East, number CHINA Foreign Possessions in China 1. Hongkong (British) 2. Macau (Portuguese) Foreign Leaseholds in China 1. Kowloon leased territory (British) 3. Kwangehowan (French) Foreign Concessions in China 4. Peiping (legation quarter, military rights) 5. Tientain (British, French, Italian, Japanese) 6. Shanghai (International, French) 7. Amoy (International) 8. Canton (British, French) 9. Hankow (French, Japanese) Other foreign rights in China 10. Navigation rights on Yangtze 11. French Indochina-Yunn |