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                       My dear Myron:                       
I was happy to receive your letter of June 23 with your most illuminating   
account of your first exchange of views with the Pope and the Cardinal   
Secretary of State since your return to Rome. That you should have been   
able, especially in the course of your very first conversation woth the   
Pope on this occasion, to correct false impressions and present with such   
force and clarity our fundamental policy that Germany shall be compelled   
o sue for unconditional surrender was particularly gratifyin
I have noted that your conversations with the Pope and his Secretary of   
State were to be resumed in the course of a few days and I await your   
         further advices with particular interest.          
Please be good enough to convey to His Holiness my warm personal regards   
and the assurance ofmy desire to co-operate with him as fully as possible   
in all matters of mutual concern and interest. I should like you to take   
the occasion to express to His Holiness my deeply-felt appreciation of the   
frequent action which the Holy See has taken on its own initiative in its   
              generous and meciful efforts to               
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