-2- Antonini, another labor leader from New York, is also here and called upon me today. Baldanzi insists that the Confederation of Labor in Italy be given representation on the committee that we are undertaking to set up to govern the distribution of the materials donated through American Relief for Italy, claiming that labor organizations in America have made large donations. I believe that is true. In my conversation with Mr. Luigi Antonini he indicated that his interest in Italy at the present time was to render assistance to it in developing its labor organizations. He is visiting several of the cities and towns in southern and central Italy within the next week when he will return to Rome and will give me his impressions. It is a bit difficult for me to understand why these American and British labor leaders should be in Italy at the present time when it would seem that labor organization matters should take second place to an effort to feed and clothe the population. I did not get a very clear picture from Min. Antonini as to his proposed activities as I did from Mr. Baldanzi. No amount of organization will expedite the actual rebuilding of industry and the provision of jobs for the unemployed. Various dictator groups from Mussolini down have taken all the meat from the bone in this country and at the present moment the vital consideretlon is food, clothing and shelter. With kind regards, believe me, Sincerely yours, {MCT} Myron C. Taylor |