i i R/2466 COPY HEADQUARTERS ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT LAZIO-UMBRIA REGION APO 394 10 October 1944 ECT : Observation on report of Mr. Barr ARC and Judge Marchi ~, TO: Chief Commissioner Headquarters, Allied Control Commission. 1. A good part of the statements made in their report are accurate for the small region they saw. Conditions there are bad very bad. An intelligent reader of their report will appreciate that one of the worst sections of liberated Italy cannot be used as a reflection of similar conditions in all of liberated Italy. Nor will the intelligent reader be misled by the implication in the opening sentence of the report that it "confines itself to the area in Italy released by the military to the Italian Government". Why don't they make a relative comparison of the badly hit area in Southern Frosinone with other provinces in liberated Italy? 2. Despite the obvious intent of the reporters to be accurate and objective and understanding of the many difficulties ever facing the administrator of civil affairs, the report of Mr. Barr and Judge Marchisio contains inaccuracies. Some months ago a special commxittee from the War Department came to Italy to make a report on food and clothing conditions. The Committee had limited time to devote to its inquiries and also lacked the day to day experience of wrestling with concrete obstacles. As a consequence, that committee suggested some step -obvious toit - but which could not be effectuated. Moreover, that committee reached certain conclusions which were scarcely accurate. 3. No attempt will be made to explain at length the inaccuracies contained in the Barr-Marchisio report. Some will be merely referred to. f a. the statement on the amount of bread given in - September in Frosinone. b. the statements on widespread starvation in Frosinone - Province this winter. These statements are not pactual; they are opinions, I don't agree with them. c. paragraph 4 on page 2 with respect tothe present rate of import of grain into Fosinone. |