AMT London This telegram must be closely paraphrased be- Dated December 19, l941 fore being communicated to anyone. (SC) Rec'd 8 p.m. Secretary of State, Washington. TRIPLE PRIORITY 6147, December 19, 11 p.m., (SECTION ONE). PERSONAL AND SECRET FOR THE SECRETARY Your 6885 deeply appreciated. Eden's cables which I am forwarding in a summary statement confirm your judgment. The following is a summary of a four hour conversation that Eden had with Stalin: It began with a full survey of the political situation when Stalin produced draft projects of two treaties, one to cover mutual military assistance irrespective of the war and the other political collaboration now and after the war. The terms do not greatly differ from those which Eden had foreshadowed and the latter gave Stalin a draft prepared on the approved basis. A further meeting was to take place on the following day to evolve an agreed text which Eden thought would not present any insuperable difficulty. Stalin then suggested the signature of a secret protocol |