This telegram must be closely paraphrased before being communicated to anyone. (SC) London Dated December 19, 1941 Rec'd. 10:45 p.m. Secretary of State Washington. TRIPLE PRI0RITY. 6147, December 19, 11 p.m. (SECTION THREE) There was some discussion about Turkey, Persia and other matters on which Eden will report later. Stalin seemed reasonably satisfied with the position in these countries. As regards the Far East, Stalin said he was sorry that in the present circumstances he was not now in a position to help us there. Eden accepted a suggestion by Stalin that the British military mission should come to Moscow where contact could more easily kept with the Russian commanders. Eden reported that the conversation throughout was most cordial and was to be resumed the next day. The contents of the treaties in their final form would generally accord with the basis approved by the Cabinet. The Russians attach importance to the term "treaty" and Eden thinks it essential that his visit should be marked by some aggreement which will convince the Russians of the sincerity of our collaboration both now and in the future. (End Summary) |