-2- #6166, December 21, 10 p.m. (SECTION FOUR), from London. Position to resist sucessfully pressure by Germany. For this purpose they welcome the negotiations between the Czecholovak and Polish Governments for a confederation. They would hope that this federal system might be extended so as to include other states of Central Europe. It is understood, moreover, that this is the intention of the Polish and Czechoslovok Governments. His Majesty's Government also hope that the various Balkan states may combine to form a simliar system. Such conferderations should contribute to the establishment of such a permanent system of general security as is foreshadowed in the 8th clause of the Atlantic Charter. Ten. In the matter of economic reconstruction His Majesty's Government hope that the Soviet Government will participate in the coordination of post-war economic policy generally, and His Majesty's Government trust that the Soviet Government will be ready at the appropriate moment to participate in discussions on the various aspects of this far-reaching (?) Eleven. His Majesty's Government recognize the justice of requiring Germany to make restitution as far as possible for the spoliation of which she has been guility during the period of hte war. This is a subject, however, |