In reply address not the signer of this letter but Bureau of Aeronotics, Navy Department, Washingon, D.C. refer to No. NAVY DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS Aer-PL-6-KHK WASHINGTON M E M O R A N D U M To: Admiral Towers From: SUBJECT: Torpedo Planes - The following is the status of Torpedo Planes: 1. On hand -- 100 TBD ' s. 2. Production schedule of the new Grumman torpedo plane: NAVY BRITISH TOTAL CUMULATIVE Dec. 1941 2 - 2 2 Jan. 1942 3 - 3 5 Feb. 1942 8 - 8 13 Mar. 10 - 10 23 Apr. 20 - 20 43 May 30 - 30 73 June 30 - 30 103 July 40 - 40 143 Aug. 50 - 50 193 Sept. 45 15 60 253 Oct. 55 15 70 323 Nov. 65 15 80 403 Dec. 75 15 90 493 Jan. 1943 85 15 100 693 Feb. 85 15 100 793 Mar. 85 15 100 893 Apr. 85 15 100 993 May 85 15 100 1093 June 1943 3. There is in addition to the foregoing a limited production of torpedo planes in the United Kingdom estimated to total 86 a month. now building up to 125 Dec 42. |