Bureau of Public Relations
Brs. 3425 and 4860
MEM0RANDUM F0R THE PRESS: January 11, 1945
The Honorable Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War, made the following
statement today at his press and radio conference:
"I would like to announce that the War Department has requested Selective
Service to increase ira quota for the March draft to 100,000. This is an in-
crease of 20,000 over our requests for January and February 7. I think it
should be obvious from what I have just told you in reviewing the war that
the tempo of action in both hemisnheres has increased radically in inten-
sity. The Germans are very evidently not going to accept the inevitable
without a fight to the finish, an& the war against the Japanese has moved
ahead of schedule. These draft calls are carefully calculated to provide
the replacements that will be needed as soon as the men thus selected have
receive their training. The men called will necessarily have to be of the
same physical and age standards required by the Army's replacement program."