2. MOVEMENTS AND PROJECTS IN THE ATLANTIC THEATER - FIRST HALF OF 1942. THE CONFERENCE had before them a report by the Joint Planning Committee on movements and projects in the Atlantic theater for the first half of 1942 (U.S. Serial ABC-4/6, British Serial WW (J.P.C.) 6) . SIR DUDLEY POUND welcomed the idea of United States forces being sent to the Freetown-Bathurst area in cert~in circumstances, as proposed in Paragraph 14. ADMIRAL KING pointed out that the adverse effects on other operations of carrying out various projects had only been set out in the case of North Africa. It should be made clear that any of these projects would have repercussions on others. Some reference should also be made in the final paragraph to the Northeast Brazil project. THE CONFERENCE - Approved the report by the Joint Planning Committee, subject to the following amendments: At the end of paragraph 6, add' "NOTE. If anyof the other operations mentioned in this paper are undertaken, they will adversely affect other operations in some or all of the above ways to a greater or less extent". b Paragraph 17, insert new subparagraph (4) as follows "(4) That the United States plans for the security of Northeast Brazil should be kept active". Renumber existing subparagraph (4) as subparagraph (5). (See Annex 2.) 3. OPERATION SUPER-GYMNAST. THE CONFERENCE agreed to postpone consideration of the Joint Planning Committee's reports on Super-Gymnast (U.S. ABC-4/2 and 4/2A and British WW (J.P.C.)2 and 2A) until the next meeting. ENCLOSURES Aamex 1- PoSt-Arcadia Collaboration, WW-8 with Minute Submitted by British Chiefs of Staff Attached. Annex 2- Movements and Projects in the Atlantic Theater (U.S. ABC-4/6, British WW-14). -5 - |