3. If the operation in French North Africa as submitted in our plan (U. S. Serial ABC-4/2, British Serial WW) is undertaken, we see no prospect any other major movements being carried out in theAtlantic area for at leas three months, and normal reinforcements to the eastward from the United King dom will be severely curtailed. The reason is lack of an adequate amount of troop transport, in view of the heavy reinforcements being sent to Hawaii, Samoa, and Australia, and requirements for the continuous support of outlyin United Statesand United Kingdom field armies, garrisons, and naval forces. Furthermore, minimum requirements for naval protection of new lines of naval communications will seriously reduce the protection now being afforded the trade routes in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. 4. No major overseas operations can be performed by the United States unless adequate shipping is immediately madeavailable for preparation as trooptransports. - 2- |