him for duty in their respective posts. The following addition to the draft telegram at Annex B was accordingly agreed to: "General Brett and Admiral Hart are being ordered by the United States Government to report to you as Deputy Supreme Commander and Commander of the Combined Naval Forces in the ABDA area respectively." IT WAS AGREED' a. That the draft telegram in Annex C to the Memorandum by the British Chiefs of Staff should be dispatched forthwith. (See Annex 2) b. That the procedure proposed in the Memorandum should be adopted and the Memorandum, subject to the amendments agreed upon in discussion, should be approved. (See Annex 2) 4. IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE TO CHINA.- THE CONFERENCE had before it a memorandum received from the United States Chiefs of Staff on immediate assistance to China. (ABC-4/9, WW (J.P.C.) 9). ADMIRAL POUND said that the British Chiefs of Staff recognized the importance of doing everything possible to facilitate assistance to China, and were in general agreement with the proposals in the paper. They wished to suggest certain ame'ndments to it, which were designed to make it conform to the idea of Unity of Command. THE BRITISH CHIEFS OF STAFF proposed certain amendments, which were discussed at some length. At the suggestion of GENERAL MARSHALL the word."operate" in the fourth line of the first amendment was altered to "engage in joint operation". similarly in the last line but one of the second amendment the words "General Wayell" were altered to "the Supreme Commander in the ABDA Area". The following further amendment was agreed to. On page 3, paragraph 4, line 5, the words "General Drum" were amended to read, "the United States Representative" MARSHAL DILL suggested that the United States Representative in China might be informed of the existence and scope of the organization which had been built up in China under General Dennys. He undertook to forward a note on this point to General Marshall. THE CONFERENCE approved the memorandum on immediate assistance to China as amended in discussion. (See Annex 3) - 4 - |