12. THE SECURITY OF TttESE ROUTES i~INVOLVES'- a. Well-balanced A - B naval and air dispositions. b. Holding and capturing essential sea and air bases. CLOSING AND TIGHTENING THE RING AROUND GER~LiNY 13. This ring may be defined as a line running roughly as follows' ARCHANGEL- BLACK SEA - ANATOLIA- THE NORTHERN SEABOARD OF TIrE MEDITERRANEAN -TItE WESTERN SEABOARD OF EUROPE. The main object will be to strengthen this ring, and close the gaps in it~ by sustaining the Russian front~ by arming and supporting Turkey, by increasing our strength in the Middle East~ and by gaining possession of the whole North African coast. 14. If this ring can be closed, the blockade of Germany and Italy will be complete, and German erupt ions, e.g. towards the Persian Gulf~ or to the Atlantic seaboard of Africa, will be prevented. Furthermore, the seizing of the North African coast may open the Mediterranean to convoys~ thus enormously shortening the route to the Middle East and saying considerable tonnage now employed in the long haul around the Cape. THE UNDERMINING AND WEARING DOWN OF THE GERMAN RESISTANCE 15. In 1942 the main methods of wearing down Oermanyrs resistance will be'- a. Ever-increasing air bombardment by British and American Forces. b. Assistance to Russia's offensive by all ~vailable means. c_. The blockade. .d.. The maintenance of the spirit of rOvolt in the occupied countries~ and. the organization of subversive movements. DEVELOPMENT QF LAND OF PENSIVES ON THE CONTINENT 16. It does not seem likely that in 1942 any large scale land offensive against Germany except on the Russian front wilI be possible. We must, howover, be ready to take advantage of any opening that may result from the wearing down process referred to in paragraph 15 to conduct limited land offensives. - 4 - |