ANNEX "A" Draft communication from His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Governments of the United States, The Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, China, and India: Instructions are being sent today to General Wayell that he should assume command of the ABDA Area as from January L Pending final agreement between the Governments concerned on the terms of his directire and on the machinery for the higher direction of war in the ABDA Area, (Annex II to the Directire), General Wayell is being instructed to proceed in accordance with the directire as at present drafted and to communicate with Washington and London as laid down in Paragraph 18 thereof. Please inform all Commanders concerned, accordingly. ANNEX "B" Draft telegram from His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to General Wavell: You are to assume supreme command in the ABDA Area on January _ . Pending final agreement between the Governments concerned on your directire, you should act in accordance with the directlye sent to you in Telegram No.____, and you should address communications to superior authority in accordance with Paragraph 18 thereof. General Brett and Admiral Hart are beingsordered by the United States Government to report to you as Deputy Supreme Commander and Commander of Combined Naval Forces, respectively, in the ABDA Area. Governments concerned are notifying their Commanders ac cordingly. '' ,8 -- |