THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON U.S.S. AUGUSTA August llth, 194l. My dear King George: We are at anchor in this Newfoundland harbor close to H.M.S. PRINCE OF WALES and I have had three delightful and useful days with Mr. Churchill and the heads of your three services. It has been a privilege to come to know Mr. Churchill in this way and I am very confident that our minds travel together, and that our talks are bearing practical fruit for both nations. I wish that you could have been with us at Divine Service yesterday on the quarterdeck of your latest battleship. I shall never forget it. Your officers and men were mingled with about three hundred of ours, spread over the turrets and superstructure -- I hope you will see the movies of it. Will you be good enough to tell the Queen that her radio address yesterday was really perfect in every way and that it will do a great amount of good. We think of you both often and wish we could be of more help -- But we are daily gaining in confidence in the outcome -- We know you will keep up the good work. With my very warm regards, Sincerely yours, FRANLIN D. ROOSEVELT (Copy of handwritten letter on President's personal note paper. ) |