for the defence of centres of population possibly exposed to enemy attack. Stalin told me that Moscow is defended by 800 anti-aircraft guns, and my experience in the Russian capital leads me to believe that he did not under-estimate his resources. If this indication of anti-aircraft necessities is used for the purpose of providing a programme here, then it appears likely that the anti-aircraft project should be based on programmes more than double the present projects, including all increases now contemplates. The concluding arguments, I regret to say, are based on calculations which can be torn to bits by all those who are experienced in production. None the less these arguments in support of increased production here should be considered. I have received from one of the Canadian authorities a statement of output for 1942, which I am assured will be realised. This Canadian output should be increased fifteen times by the United States, taking into account the national incomes of the two countries. In fac, the resources of the manufacturing community in the United States far exceeds fifteen times the Canadian resources. At the same time Canada gets engines and other parts from the United States. But on the basis of this multiple of fifteen, the United States output in tanks would - 4 - |