TRANSLATION Telegram to the President from Generalissimo Chiang Eai-shek Chungking, December 24, 1941 Mr. President: The Chlnese Government and people wlsh to express their whole-hearted support of your proposed conference of American, British, Chinese and other representatives. We venture to offer the opinion that a Supreme Allied War Council should be established forthwith in Washing- ton for the speedy formulation of comprehensive war plans. This will constitute a concrete step on the part of the nations of the democratic front to coordinate and concert their efforts against the aggressor nations of the Axis, and will be a most effective factor in bringins about the early destruction of our common enemy. For this purpose I have designated Mr. T. V. Soong, newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, as the Chief Delegate of China to such Conference or Supreme War Coun- cil as you contemplate to set up in the immediate future, and request you to be good enough to notify him to parti- cipate in your deliberations on all questions relevant to the conduct of the war. |