THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT: Re: ABC conference in Chungking. A very puzzling and unsatisafactory cable has just come in from Magruder, which will doubtless be sent to you. On the joint defense of Burma there are three important issues. 1. The use of land lease material. There is no mention of any final decision on this in Magruder's cable. 2. The use of the American Volunteer Air Force in Burma. Magruder said there was no decision by the Generalissimo but an apparent disclination to give any further assist- ance here. 3. Chinese defense of Burma. Magruder said that the Chinese offered two army corps, but this was declined by Wavell. On the other hand, our consul at Kunming reports the passage through there of 100,000 crack Chinese troops moving southward. Probably Brett's and Wavell's reports will shed a clearer light on the outcome of the conference. You may wish, however, to avail yourself of the present opportunity to suggest to the Prime Minister the desir- ability of the British in Burma availing themselves to the full of Chinese offers of cooperation. I have an idea that Chiang Kai-shek would have no objectoin to the use of land-lease material and the volunteer air group in Burma if they were used in conjunction with Chinese ground operations. Lauchlin Currie |