20. Air Power. The outstanding feature of the UNITED NATIONS war effort has been ths rapidity with which air power has been developed and applied. Air advantage has been gained in practically all areas, and the advantage will increase rapidly in the immediate future. The proposed UNITED NATIONS bomber offensive should gravely affect the AXIS war effort. 21. UNITED STATES. a. Manpower. Mobilized and trained manpower will reach its optimum in 1944. b. Military. Current estimates indicate that by the end of 1943 the Army Air Force will have 114 bomber groups (6200 airplanes) and 59 fighter groups (5900 airplanes). Of those, 26 bomber groups and 12 fighter groups will not be deployable outside of the UNITED STATES due eithor to the status of equipment or training. The ground forces should consist of 100 combat divisions. Sixty-nine divisions will be in the UNITED STATES but only 32 of these will have completed training. Disregarding prospective losses, naval forces available for deployment to the PACIFIC by the end of 1943, will be superior to the Japanese Fleet. Extended naval action against Japanese lines of communication and positions will be possible. c. Production. Most major items should be in full-scale production by early 1944. d. Shipping. Considering the scheduled production of shipping and the measures being instituted to combat the sub- marine, it is expected that adequate shipping will be availz able to meet transportation requirements. - 13- |