settlements and the status of the Czechoslovak Govern- ment, concerning which they are understood previously to have entertained certain misgivings. The text of Mr. Eden's note to Dr. Masaryk, the Czechoslovak Foreign Minister, which was cited in my telegram No. 506g of July 18, 10 p.m. has not been published and, as mentioned in that telegram, should be regarded as secret and confidential. Notices ap- pearing in the British Press on July l9 were confined principally to the statement that the British Government had extended "full recognition" to Dr. Benes as President of the Czechoslovak Republic. It was simult- aneously announced that Mr. Philip B. B. Nichols, an official in the British Foreign Office, had been appointed British Minister to the Czechoslovak Government with headquarters in London. It is learned that at the present writing the Czechoslovak Government has not yet announced the appointment of a Minister to the British Government. Respectfully yours, John G. Winant. Enclosure:- 1/ as stated. JDB :MVG (A copy of this despatch and enclosure is being sent to the President). |