-2- particularly, but there is also question of planes and other articles. French Armament Bureau, War ministry informs me only 6 tanks and 12 field pieces available as replacements; (6) Four divisions are expected to land in France from the British Isles during entire course of the present month. General Weygand expects First Canadian Division in France within two or three days; (7) General Weygand satisfied that the British are sending as many reinforcements as warranted by available stocks of armaments. Would be necessary French supply guns to some British divisions but have no spare guns; (8) No greater efforts could possibly be asked of French armies; General Weygand had nothing but admiration for his men who are fighting without/hope of having any rest; (9) Long resistance impossible unless the United States declares war immediately. Germany would then reconsider her position and such action on the part of the United States would make Allied victory possible; (10) Doumenc, Chief of Staff to General Weygand, repeated that the French armies will fight as long as arms available. General Weygand's remarks can be summed up in one way only: Those who can help must do so now. Ends. CANADIAN MINISTER |