They refused to listen to me. France has paid (for this). I ask nothing of you for myself. We collaborated closely when I was in power and, if I refused to associated myself with your policy, I did everything to make you task easier when you succeeded me. I did so for the sake of the country. No one owes me any gratitude for it. You attitude towards me has been different. You put me in prison, in close confinement, seven months ago. In your name, the weekly publications of defamation were then told: "You see tha tman, behind bars. You can, if you wish, spit in his face as you pass by." They did this boldly for months, with the approval of your censors. They even told likes in attempting to reach me. That does not matter in France nowadays. You had a Keeper of the Seals who told the world, by an official statement, that he is "known by all Frenchmen." On the testimony of a slander sheet, and as if my whole life did not protest against this crack-brained insinuation, he declared that I had undeniable enriched myself dishonestly, since I had brought 50 million to an aircraft company. Now, I made that contribution, in my capacity as Minister of Finance, to a nationalized company." This would merely cause a smile if, strengthened by this certainty |