- 12 - appropriation requirements of the Reich. These amounted to 21.7 billion RM in the fiscal year 1938 and to 36.3 billion RM in the fiscal year 1939, To cover them there were available as general budget means those receipts from taxes, earned revenue and other income remaining after deduction of the abovenamed correction items, that is, all tax transfers, productive outlays and the like from the revenue items entered in the Reich budget, b. The estimated financial requirements of the Reich and their probable coverage, in the .fi.scal year 1940, In consequence of the war, the financial requirements of the Reich will be determined even more than in the preceding years by the needs of the armed forces. During the last half-year, the armed forces required on the average an expenditure of a good 3 billion RM a month, On the assumption that the war will last until the end of the fiscal year or else will determine the financing of the Reich in the main, we can therefore calculate the expendi- tures for the armed forces during the budget year at approximately 38 billion RM. The expenditures of the civil administrative authorities will also rise further during the current fiscal year. Aid is families, which took 1.5 billion RM in the fiscal year 1939, including only 7 war months, ought to demand more than |