April 1941. Prefatory remark: This statement is based on the same tested reports and data as designated in the January memorandum. All data are from the period up to the end of March 1941. I. Further Preparations for the Opening of German Offensive Operations. 1. The putting into line of 10-12 divisions for the Balkan theater of war has been accomplished. Because of the military front against Yugoslavia it is proposed to double the number of the German forces that it was expected to use. The putting of the armies from Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria into line is contemplated, partly on the new Balkan front and partly to counterbalanoe the withdrawals from the German eastern front. 2. Systematic reenforcement of the strategic positions for concentration on the border of Soviet Russia, partly by fully motorized divisions. The troop contingents for use under numbers 1 and 2 come from the army corps stationed at home, as well as de- tachments from the units of the armies of occupation in the occupied areas of the west, also from the invasion army corps in particular. |