- 8 - On the other hand, the military preparations of Japan in the Amur region and against the Coastal Province have been Staff and Navy staff and those of the Japanese (military and naval missions of over 300 officers) in conference since February of this year, according to the strategic plans sub- operations in the Chinese South Seas, including the Nether- lands Indies. IV. Two decisive facts are given as the reasons for the necessity for eliminating all national armies, that is, practically every foreign soldier on the mainland of Europe, includlng Soviet Russia and the French fleet: 1. The necessity for partying on the war against England and the United States for military and political reasons. This compels Germany to maintain a powerful army, to be sure of ward- ing off any English-American air and sea offensive, no matter how powerful, against the strong points on the European con- tinent and to be sure of warding off mass English and American air attacks on Germany's centers of production and industrial life in the year and in central Gemany, the shipyards, ports, etc. 2. The |