JT This telegram must be LONDON closely paraphrased be- fore being communicated Dated May 15, 1940 to anyone. (D) Rec'd 10:15 p.m. Secretary of State, Washington. RUSH 12ll, May 15, 2 a.m. (SECTION TWO) He said regardless of what Germany does to England and France, England will never give up al long as he re- mains a power in public life even if England is burnt to the ground. Why, said he, the goverment will move to Canada and take the fleet and fight on. I think this is something I should follow up. If the Germans carry on there will be some conversation on what England will even- tually do. Churchill called in the First Lord of the Admiralty Sinclair and Eden and although they are tough and mean to fight they are very low tonight. (END OF MESSAGE) KENNEDY HPL |