S COPY: MA BRITISH EMBASSY, WASHINGTON, D.C. November 13th, 1939. Dear Mr. Secretary, In the last paragraph of the telegram of which Mr. Mallet sent you a copy in his letter of November 11th it was stated that the Foreign Office had heard from our Am- bassador in Paris that the Belgian Minister for Foreign Affairs was appealing for military conversations with the French authorities and that a French general was to be sent at once to Brussels. It would seem however from a fur- ther telegram which has now reached us from London that the earlier message was not altogether accurate. Our Am- bassador at Brussels states that it is exaggerated to say that M. Spaak is appealing for conversations and that it is not the case that a French general is being sent to Brus- sels. Believe me, My dear Mr. Secretary, Yours very sincerely, LOTHIAN The Honourable Cordell Hull, Secretary of State of the United States Washington, D.C. |