Galapagos (continued) Two long range Radar installations will be made on other islands in the Galapagos. It is planned to base one squadron of motor torpedo boats with tender in the Galapagos by May 1st. In view of the air patrols now in effect which cover parts of the Archipelago every day, the further air patrols to be inaugurated upon the completion of the Air Bases on Seymour Island, the basing in the Galapagos in the near future of a squadron of 12 motor torpedo boats, and the installing of two Radar stations (with radio), there appears to be no urgent need of lookout posts on shore or the employment of fishing craft to supplement the present surveillance. Salinas, Ecuador. -- The Army is building an Advance Air Base to support two squadrons of "Flying Fortresses" and two pursuit squadrons. The work is well advanced: there are nearly 1000 troops there now, 6 inch guns are mounted; there is a Radar installation, and 8 heavy bombers and 8 pursuit ships are operating regularly from this Base. The Navy's Seaplane Base will not be completed until June at which time two squadrons of PBY' s can be handled. In the meantime, a converted destroyer serves as a seaplane tender at Salinas. Gulf of Fonseca -- The Navy has established a small Seaplane Base here that can serve as an over-right refueling stop. Further development must be done to make this a secondary operating base for either seaplanes or motor torpedo boats. Guatemala City. -- The Army is enlarging the airport there, and is now operating 12 heavy bombardment type planes and 8 observation and pursuit planes from this field, An emergency landing field for the Army's use is being built at San Jose on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala. AIR PATROL OPERATIONS --- At present the air patrol in the Panama Sea Frontier, Pacific Sector, is being carried on by 24 Navy PBY's and 20 Army B-17' s and LB-30s. Declassified E.O. 11652, Sec. 3(E) and 5(D) or (E) OSD letter, May 3, 1972 APR 5 1973 |