AIRPLANE COMMANDER' S REPORT Reconnaissance and Patrol Missions Unit Date 1. Indicate on map on reverse side point and time of take off and landing, track of airplane to include latitude, longitude, and time of all turning points, hourly positions, positions of air and surface craft sighted, bad weather areas, and mean altitude of each leg of track. 2. Were messages sent or received? Attach copies of all messages. 3. In event of combat action, submit detailed report to include injuries and damage received and inflicted on enemy, ammunition expended, performance, characteristics and tactics of enemy. See Form F, Field Manual 1-40. NARRATIVE ACCOUNTS WILL BE MADE HEREON OF THE FOLLOWING: 4. Observations enroute description, position, and time of all surface and air craft seen. 5. General weather conditions. Show bad weather areas and resultant change of course on map. 6. Difficulties experienced. 7. Remarks. Use additional sheets if necessary. Signed Airplane Commander |