-3- This was most inhuman advice. While England sits in the midst of peace and plenty, Germany was being advised by Englishmen to make war against Eastern countries to divert her energies from constructive tasks. Germany did not intend to do so. Lothian repeated his arguments that the key to the solution of Germany's problems in Europe was unreserved accept- ance of the sovereignty of these nations. Then as in the case of U.S.A. and in Great Britain a real economic solution would be possible and Eastern Europe would be safe under German protection. Schacht said that offered no difficulty. Of course the treatment of Germans in Czecho-Slovakia was the cause of serious difficulties, there was Danzig and Austria. As for the rest, where should difficulties arise? Lothian said that there was now so much suspicion about that there was urgent need of personal contacts between responsible people. Schacht said that he would be prepared at any tie to come to England. He though personal contacts should be between Ministers. He depreceated long preparation of public opinion as a prior condition to meetings- public opinion would be best educated by meetings of responsible people in the near future. Schacht continuted: if Germany lived under normal condi- tions of economic opportunity, all the rather strange ideas, anti-semitism, racialism, would disappear. They are the result of the terrible pressure and privation which the German population has had to bear since Versailles. Normal conditions would bring normal thoughts. English were wrong in repressing Germany to become normal first. When you are normal we will do something to alleviate the situation. It was the other way round. We had tried methods of persuasion, of fulfillment, of |