-3- war really breaks out. But in leaving out this last consideration I can only say that I firmly believe that Hitler has made up his mind definitely to get hold of Danzig and the Corridor before the winter. The "Day" is now fixed for 15th June. On the 1st June a large number of reserves will be called to the Colours and on 15th another batch. The ammunition trains are running day and night to the Eastern border, railway lines are mostly reserved for these purposes so that the troops are mostly moveing on foot to the Eastern frontier. One would hardly fall short in estimating that there are already some million people concentrated on the Eastern border. In spite of the fact that Hitler is trying to speed up all preparations the army is endeavouring to persuade him that their preparations will not be ready before the end of July. How far they will be successful in this their policy remains to be seen. There is no doubt that while the Army after the march into Prague was nearly unanimously convinced of the infallibility of Hitler's political and military foresight, it is much less confident of a success now. At the moment defeatism is very strong again in the Army. That defeatism was even more outspoken until a fortnight ago on account of the impressions of the German General Staff that Mussolini would not stand by the Axis longer than six months. Of course as regards Italy there will be now more confidence, although it might be fair to assume that a new treaty between Italy and Germany will also mean a brake on Hitler's moves. How effective |