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be Japan; that he was by nature an artis not a
politician, and that once Polish question was settled
he would end his life as an artist and not as a warmonger; 
he did not want to turn Germany into nothing
but a military barracks and he would only do so if
forced to do act that once Polish question was                                                                                  
settled he himself would settle down; that he had
no interest in making Britain break her word to 
Poland; that he had no wish to be small-minded in
any settlement with Poland and that all he required         
for an agreement with he was a gesture from Britain
8. After I had left, Ribbentrop sent Dr.
Mineidt to Embassy with text of verbal statement 
and also a message from him to the effect that Hitler
had always and still wished for an agreement with
Britaln, and begging me to urge His Majesty's Government 
to take this offer very seriously.
9. I subsequently received another message                                                                                                                                                   
from Ribbentrop drawing my attention incident at
Bielitz reported in this afternoon's German press
(see paragraph 3).          
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