Draft October 19, 1944 The Secretary of War, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury and the Foreign Economic Administrator announced that: 1. Mr. Dewey's statement about the lack of plans for the occupation of Germany is inaccurate. 2. Beginning about a year ago plans were started in the American Government to work out a Joint and unified policy by the War Depmrtment, Navy Department, State, Treasury, Foreign Economic Administration and the other interested departments and agencies. 3. Contrary to popular speculation, the basic plans to be used immediately after the occupation of Germany were worked out and unanimously agreed upon by all the interested agencies of the United States Government months before any American soldiers set foot in Germany. All of the pre-surrender terms and the directives to be used by the American military were worked out in concrete form even before this. 4. The proclamation issued by General Eisenhower as Allied Commander was based on the agreed presurrender plans and on the other plans for the occupation of Germany as were his orders for the abolition of the Nazi racial, sterilization, concentration camp and other similar Nazi laws and institutions. 5. The detailed plans for the unconditional surrender of Germany have been woked out not only in the American Government but with our Allies. |