through an increasing lack of resources which will be needed when the war ends. It should be made clear that the responsibility for the bad conditions which are bound to exist at the close of the war will rest squarely upon the Nazi leaders who, solely in frantic efforts to save their own skins, are deliberately wasting German resources. The point here is that it is not so much a question of what policy the Allies will pursue once they get there but how much destruction of Germany's own resources will have resulted meanwhile. METHODS There should be no appeals whatever by Allied authorities. In announcements all media we should use the technique of issuing only news and objective commentaries. These may be used skillfully to be put across propaganda points (largely through selection and emphasis) but they should be handled as atatements of fact and not as attempts to persuade. In this output, the Allies should particularly emphasize: 1. Announcements and warnings from the Allied military authorities. 2. News of punishment of war criminals and recalcitrant Germans generally. 3. Any news that can be found about occasional clashes between law-abiding Germans and Nazi outlaws. 4. Factual and colorful news of orderly life in Allied occupied enemy territory (both German and non-German). This should cover the orderly appearence of the towns, the justice of Allied authorities, the cooperation of local sub-officials, the number of babies born, the fact that women still hang out the wash. |